Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to Beyond the Bump

    2. Maternity system within in the UK

    3. Informed Consent

    4. Birth Options

    5. Thinking about your previous birth(s)

    6. How a birth debrief can help you

    1. Labour Language

    2. Vaginal Birth After Caesarean Birth (VBAC)

    3. Hormones in Birth

    4. Pre-labour

    5. Braxton Hicks

    6. How labour can start - Waters Breaking

    7. How labour can start - Contractions

    8. Medical Induction

    9. Fetal Monitoring

    10. Natural Induction Techniques

    11. Latent Phase of Labour

    12. Coping Strategies

    13. Established Labour

    14. When to go into hospital / your birthing space

    15. Cervical Dilation / Vaginal Examinations

    16. Pain Relief

    17. Creating a Birth Space

    18. Birth Positions

    19. Transition & Pushing

    20. Second stage of labour

    21. Delivering your baby

    22. Assisted Birth

    23. Immediately after birth

    24. Delivering the Placenta

    25. Optimal and Delayed Cord Clamping

    26. What to do with your placenta

    27. How birth partners can support your birth

    28. Birth Mapping

    1. Caesarean Births

    2. Your options during a Caesarean Birth

    3. How birth partners can support you through your Caesarean Section

    4. After your Caesarean Birth

    5. Caesarean Birth - Birth Plan

    6. Packing your birth bag for your Caesarean Section

    7. Recovering from your Caesarean Section

    8. Postnatal support after your Caesarean Birth

    1. Bleeding after birth

    2. Physical recovery from your vaginal birth, tears & stiches

    3. Managing the 4th Trimester with Older Children

    4. Postpartum Mental Health

    5. Postnatal Checks - Your 6 week GP check

    6. Useful things to discuss prior to baby's arrival

    7. Baby proofing your relationship

    1. The Golden Hour

    2. Vitamin K

    3. Newborn Checks & Appointments

    4. Baby's Umbilical Cord

    5. Dressing your baby

    6. Changing a nappy & baby poo

    7. Baby Sleep & Safe Sleep Guidelines

    8. Bathing your baby

    9. Introducing Pets to your Baby

    1. NICU / SCBU

About this course

  • £89.00
  • 66 lessons
  • 11 hours of video content

Prepare for your birth & life with your newborn starting today